(Mac) HELP! ⌥⇧7 doesn't give me \
Hi! I got a frustrating problem.
I'm trying to write a \ with the standard ⌥⇧7.
But in Rider it traverses through namespace parts, and classes, or tag names.
Pretty hard to program when you need to escape things.
Intellij is working as expected, tried exporting IDE settings from Intellij and importing in Rider. No go.
Scrolling through all key maps is a pain in the *** and easy to miss.
Anyone got a solution to this?
You can see whats happening here, I got Build marked, and it gives me the output of it (why would you ever need such a function?) instead of giving me \
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Hi Dato1002,
It looks like a problem with national keyboard layout. Which one do you use? Also, please specify IntelliJ IDEA and Rider versions on which you tried ⌥⇧7.
Generally, this and similar issues are addressed in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-165950. You can try the workarounds listed in this comment.
Oh! I actually found the solution, a very small button in keymap, just press the command and it'll show up.. Not the most obvious button (the little keyboard next to the red X)
Found it while trying to find the settings you linked to :) Thanks!
Great! Happy to hear that you got it sorted :)