Remember session of multiple opened windows
I often work with many many class files open, resulting in the need to split off some open class files to separate rider windows. I usually finish work for the day and close Rider (right click rider task bar icon >> 'close window'). Though, I still need to return to most of the class files that were open the previous day -and therefore those multiple rider windows that were active. Unfortunately, when I relaunch Rider the 'main' window is all that opens, and have to painstakingly reopen those class files that were housed in the other 'secondary' rider windows.
How can I make rider (or windows 10) remember those additional rider windows that were active before Rider was closed?
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You can use Window Layout Plugin. If you are still missing some options, please comment and vote this issue: IDEA-93140.
Sorry that is not the solution, I assume my question was unclear. What I meant is that I'd like Rider to remember how many of its windows were open at the time when I right click 'Close All Windows' in the task bar. Note, I don't simply close the Rider windows one after the other. Reason being that when I launch Rider again right after closing, it launches with all those previously open windows:
Above is my desktop while working in Rider, notice the multiple Rider windows being open.
Above shows how I close Rider, by not closing Rider windows one after the other.
Do you know of a plugin that can remember the multiple active Rider windows upon exiting the application?
Could you please try closing Rider not with this option, but with closing the main window? It will close all additional windows automatically and all the windows should be restored properly on reopening. Please keep me posted on the result.
Hello Olga,
Yes, your suggestion works, the rider windows from the previous session all relaunch when closing rider via 'File' > 'Exit'. Thank you. Though, I wish the windows would launch in size and positions that they were upon exit. Note, I still have the Windows Layout Manager plugin installed from your first suggestion. How might I store window size and position?
Could you please clarify what version you are using, what is the windows' position and size prior to closing and after?
My production rig is using version 2019.2.1 (since some of its behaviors were removed from newer versions). My test rig has the latest Rider version and the problem persists there too. The windows' size prior to closing is similar to the 'main' rider window, and all positioned horizontally next to each other. After closing and opening, all windows overlap right on top of the 'main' window.
I have indeed noticed such issues with Rider 20.3.4, but at the latest version 21.1 the issue looks fixed. Would you willing and able to test it please and let me know how it goes for you?
Hello Olga,
I've installed Windows 7 on my production rig to dual boot. After installing Rider 2019.2.1 and the latest version, I can confirm that the problem no longer persists. It is only persisting on Windows 10 (the test rig), which leads me to think that the problem lies with Windows 10 -no surprise there honestly.
Thank you for your assistance though. Have a good day.