Set comments on the second monitor with the toolbar


I would to comment some rows in a toolwindow on my second monitor. I work mostly with a toolbar, mouse focused.
My toolbar is in the mainwindow on the first monitor, my working file on the toolwindow on a second monitor. If I press on the toolbar the comment icon (I added it) the comments are always for the mainwindow, not on the last active file. How I can comment it with the toolbar? Just with the shortcuts possible?

Thanks and regards!



Hello Lukas,

Do I got you right that you have added "Comment/uncomment with Line/Block Comment" action to Toolbar or is it something else? Technically it it possible to add shortcut to any action via Preferences | Keymap or just use the shortcut.


Hello Olga, yes, you have right, it is the "Comment/uncomment with Line/Block Comment". I wish I could press on the icon in the toolbar to comment some parts of the toolwindow on another monitor. It is working just on the mainwindow, thats my problem.
I know the best solution is to use the shortcuts but I can't remember them so good.


You can see the shortcut when hover over icon, you can also check the shortcut in File | Settings | Keymap and also here you can set the shortcut you prefer for any action. As for action from toolbar not called when editor tab is not on the main window, it looks like a bug so I have created a corresponding issue on our tracker: IDEA-269527, please watch it for monitoring the progress. 


I saw the shortcut already, thanks. I hope the UI of Rider changes in the next version to make more user friendly like me.


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