Make git "Incoming changes" easier
I haven't found another way to find incoming changes than to compare the local branch with the remote origin branch and check what's not already included in my local branch. Could you please add a possibility to see the incoming changes without comparing the two branches?
Also, is it possible to mark the branch in the git log, so that I know that there are incoming changes?
However, I love the rest of the git integration! It's awesome! No other tool I know (SourceTree, Github Desktop, VSCode Git, VS Git) is so smart and cool as yours! Appreciate your work, guys!
Currently the best IDE out there for C# and Frontend Devs!
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Thank you for such kind feedback.
>Could you please add a possibility to see the incoming changes without comparing the two branches?
Could you please elaborate on how would you like to see it?
> Also, is it possible to mark the branch in the git log, so that I know that there are incoming changes?
There are green and blue arrows that indicate incoming and outgoing changes in Branches popup - bottom right corner
The same arrows will be added to Branches pane next to a log in the next release.
>Could you please elaborate on how would you like to see it?
Ya, I'd like to see it as if I was comparing two branches but only one direction (from remote to local). Concretely saying I want to see all commits with their files changes and want to be able to go through the commits/files and see the side-by-side diff.
>The same arrows will be added to Branches pane next to a log in the next release.
Nice. I never use the dropdown in the right corner but always the git tab.
Maybe you could add what I was asking for when clicking "Update". Just like if you would push your commits you get a summary of which changes are affected and can control it. Without that check, I always feel insecure about what's coming in and what changed. I always update the branch and check afterwards how many commits came in, which files changed, etc.