See Work Items from different project




it's cool that I can see pull requests assigned or created to/by me and the work items. However, we use to create multiple projects: one for our project management and another one for our repositories.

Is it possible to connect to repository for pull requests and to see the work items, connect to a different project? That would be awesome.


Kind regards


Hello Tabaloa,

Could you please elaborate a bit more on a projects structure? Are they opened in the same Rider instance? Do you have URL to both added under `Git | Manage` remotes? Do they belong to different GitHub organizations/accounts?


Hello Olga,

sure, I can. 

We have multiple Projects within Azure Devops: 

One project (let's call it WIP) contains only the work items while all other projects contain repositories to manage the source code. Now, when I checkout such a repository branch, I do not see the work items from WIP but only the work items from the project that the repository belongs to. 

I don't know why, but a lot of enterprise projects are structured like this. The result is that I do not see the work items in jetbrains rider


I like the idea of having everything in place, in my favorite IDE. So I just wondered if it would be possible to add some project urls so that Rider knows where to look for work items. This should be somehow linked to the checked out repository, because I do not want to see the work items globally, but project based.


Thank you for the reply. I see, regrettably at the current moment there is no such option to see Work Items from another project. As a workaround you can open project with WIP in new window of Rider, though I understand that this is not the best option. Please feel free to open a new issue in plugin page:


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