Is there a way re-dock the floating window of 'commit side-by-side'?
Generally, When I click one item on VCS commit view. It opens side-by-side view on editor tab area.
But, When I drag-out it from there. It changes to floating window.
The problem is here.
I have no clue that how to re-dock into tab.
The floating window doesn't have any tab. So that, I cannot re-dock into original place.
Is there a way re-dock the floating window into editor tab?
Best regards,
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Hello Rho

Please use "Show diff in Editor tab" option. It can be found under Gear icon in the Diff window
Thank goodness for this question. I was loosing my mind!
I couldn't fix this by Ruslan's answer, open preferences, go to "Versioning Control > Commit" and make sure "Use non-modal commit interface" is checked.
This answer is still giving in 2023… thank god I no longer need hunt and click my floating diff window!
Thank you lord
Pezhvak it's a bit different thing
Bringing Diff back into IDE's editor and making commit a modal window.
If you have a chance - please elaborate on your end goal.
OMG!! I was going crazy with this issue!! Thank you for the question
Hello from 2024! This worked!
That was way harder to find than I'd have liked! Maybe put the put a dock option somewhere on the floating window