How to change dotnet target platform in jetbrains rider?
I have a project that was originally created for dotnet 5.0 as the target platform. Now I would like to upgrade it to use dotnet 6.0 as the target platform.
If I go to Run > Edit Configurations, there is a drop-down for Target Framework, but it's stuck on "net5.0" there is no other option listed. I have dotnet 6 installed and ready to use. I just need to change my project to use it.
If I go to Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Toolset and Build, I have the .NET Core CLI executable path set to my dotnet 6.0 executable, but still the project thinks of itself as being dotnet 5.0.
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Actually, you answered my question in your response @Anna, thanks. The answer is open the Solution in Rider. Then right-click the project (not the solution). Go to Properties > Target framework. There is a [...] button which allows you to change the target framework.
Awesome! Glad that helped :)