Xcode installation missing

I'm trying to build the iOS target of a Xamarin Forms project on my mac with Rider, but it always tells me that he cannot found Xcode :-/

I've tried several configurations, but nothing leeds to the solution. The problems started when I upgraded my Mac to Monterey.

The Xcode path was set correctly with xcode-select and is correctly setted up in Rider settings.

xcode-select -p

-> /Applications/Xcode/Xcode1330.app/Contents/Developer

In Rider configured:

I've also tried to modifiy the mtouch --sdk arguments:

The console says:

/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/bin/mlaunch --launchsim /Users/.../Projects/.../.../....iOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/device-builds/ipad13.5-15.4/....iOS.app --device=:v2:udid=8552B306-2475-47AF-TB4C-DCA68E7340C6 -sdk 15.4 --argument=-monodevelop-port --argument=10001 --setenv=__XAMARIN_DEBUG_PORT__=10001 --sdkroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
error MT0055: The Xcode path '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer' does not exist.

I don't know why mtouch is using a non-configured path ... Also Rider does not use the arguments provided.

Creating a symlink 

ln -s /Applications/Xcode/Xcode1330.app /Applications/Xcode.app does not solve the problem.

For various reasons I need more Xcode installations for older iOS projects.



What Rider version are you using? It looks similar to the known issue when deployment failed due to XCode being installed in non-default location: RIDER-65418. The issue is resolved in the latest Rider EAP available now. Would you be willing to check it?


Hello Olga,

thanks for your reply. I'm using version 2021.3.4


I got the same error in version 2024.1.4. &  Mac OS 14.6




We are sorry to hear that you are running such a problem.

Would you mind elaborating on the issue?

  • What kind of project are you working on?
  • What is the build output?
  • Share a screenshot that demonstrates the problem;
  • Collect logs after reproducing the issue (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) and upload it to the Upload Service. Please let me know the Upload ID.

Have a nice day!


Same problem here. Seems to me so. No answer or solution since august?


Hello Rvp,

In order to investigate the cause of this behavior in your environment, we will need more information about your environment.

We will need the following information to investigate this further:

  • The type of project you are working on
  • Build/deployment output (including all error messages)
  • Xcode version (xcode-select -v) and location (xcode-select -p)
  • Rider logs collected shortly after reproducing this issue via Help→Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data

You can send us your logs via the Upload Service and mention the Upload ID in this thread. 

Alternatively, you can create a new YouTrack issue via Help→Report a Bug and attach your Rider logs when prompted. Please add the aforementioned pieces of information about your environment in the issue description if you choose to create a YouTrack issue.



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