How to show errors and warnings after a failed build
After a failed build Rider only shows Errors in the Build Tool Window. If there are Warnings they are hidden as long as there are Errors. Warnings are only shown if there are no build Errors.
How can I change this behaviour and make Rider show Warnings and Errors at the same time in the Build Tool Window?
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Hello Thomas,
You can see Errors and Warnings in Problems view, it is accessible via View | Toolwindows | Problems.
But those are not only Compiler Warnings but also Rider Warnings and the Sollution I am working on is so huge and old that I dont dare to turn solution wide analysis with warnings on.
I see your point, but at the current moment showing warnings on failed build is not possible, there is a corresponding issue on our tracker: RIDER-39727. Please feel free to upvote and click on Watch to track the progress on it.
Olga Diakonova Thanks for the Info. Upvoted the Ticket.