Make it easier to attach to a Docker Container
Hi there,
I want to use the "Attach to process" feature to debug an ASP.NET Core project which is running inside a Docker container in my local machine.
When I click on the "Attach to process" menu a long list shows up and I don't see anything related to the Docker container that I want to debug.
It's super easy in Visual Studio and all I have to do is to choose the Docker container in Connection Type menu. It will show the running Docker containers and I can simply choose the container.
Note that I don't want to build any docker image and create a container from it. I want to debug an already running container.
Could you please make it clear and easy in Rider to attach to a Docker container? because I love Rider and don't want to open the Visual Studio just because of debugging.
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Hello S Soltani,
Thanks a lot for your feedback! Here is a request for one-click attach to process for IIS that will make debugging against IIS easier. We hope to implement it in the near future.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Hello Alexandra Guk,
thanks for the reply.