Rider codestyle templates collections for popular and common styles
Is there a way to preconfigure the rider codestyle templates to match those of common / standard team patterns, or a repository to select from or download styles? E.g. make my code look like the .NET Core teams code?
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Hello Pieter, thank you for your question. Please take a look at the following:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ok, I guess what you call "conventions and best practices" are not quite what I experience, e.g. take some .NET Core code, and run a complete Rider refactor using default settings, the result looks quite different to what the .NET Core team produces.
But anyway, I was hoping that there is a collection of premade templates to use, will just modify the layers as we see fit.
@Pieter, thanks for the reply. You can change the default code style settings in Rider settings -
File | Settings | Editor | Code Style for Windows and Linux
JetBrains Rider | Preferences | Editor | Code Style for macOS
Could you pelase describe your original task? Do you want to use different settings for different solutions?