What are these random files showing up in my solution?

Some random files showing up in my solution and i cant seem to remove them. I get error message that I can't exclude cause they are not part of the project but are imported from nuget.g.props file for the project. I dont recognize these libraries or any of these files. never added them manually.  (all the dll and cfg files in the attached snapshot)


Hello Alok,

Thank you for contacting Rider support.
We are sorry to hear that you encountered this issue.

Regrettably, I was not able to reproduce this issue. Would you mind sharing a repro project with us so we could reproduce the issue and verify if there is a solution.

Have a nice day!


From the icon it seems that are links? Have you linked the content of the obj folder to your project root by accident?


these are links indeed and i didnt add them manually nor i can remove them. 

Dmitry Kazantsev I am not sure how to reproduce this issue locally. This is happening only on one project and I really dont know why it's happening. does it have something to do with nuget packages installed? 


If you right click on the file, is there an option to exclude the file? If so, can you check the csproj file (Edit it, but do not change it) if there zstd.dll is added as an item there?


the original screenshot posted in this question shows the error message when i click on exclude file. Error message says the file is not part of the project. I cann't see these files in csproj file as well. 


it says the item was imported from nuget properties file


so i found out that these files get added when i add one project in nuget. Looks like these files are content type of this particular project and are links. 


Hello Alok,
Would you mind sharing your project with us and describing the steps to reproduce?


I won't be able to share this project since its from my work but it's easy to reproduce. After understanding the issue, it looks like it's not an issue at all. 

One of the nuget packages that i added in my solution has above files added as links. When i add this nuget package it automatically pulls these file links and shows them in my solution. I didn't add them manually but got added because of nuget install. I see below nodes for each of these files in nuget.g.props file for this project


<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(ExcludeRestorePackageImports)' != 'true' ">
    <Content Include="$(NuGetPackageRoot)yi.omquickfix\\contentFiles\any\net6.0\initiator.cfg" Condition="Exists('$(NuGetPackageRoot)yi.omquickfix\\contentFiles\any\net6.0\initiator.cfg')">



Hello Alok,

Thank you for the details shared.
Apologies for keeping you so long without an answer. I reproduced this behavior. It happens when a Nuget that you installing into project has a linked files. In Nuget.csproj file it looks as below.

<Content Include="..\..\MultirunTest\ConApp\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\ConApp.dll"><Link>ConApp.dll</Link></Content>

This is by design behavior.

Would you mind confirming that your Nuget project has the problematic files linked in a similar way?
Thank you in advance


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