V4 Isolated Functions debugging support?

Hi. Is there a plan to introduce debugging from the IDE directly with isolated azure functions in the future? Right now I have to manually attach to the process once the application is running, which means I miss all my middleware, program.cs and warmup code. VS2022 is supporting this feature now, so I tend to use that instead when trying to debug. Just wondering if this will be supported any time soon. I like Rider, but the attach to process is a bit of a hassle and only giving me 1/2 what I need. My project configuration is like this 


Hello Mac,

Could you please specify what version of Rider you are using? Do you have installed Azure toolkit plugin?


Hi Angelina Elycheva. I am using rider Build #RD-221.5787.36, built on June 1, 2022. I have Azure toolkit installed. I was able to finally launch debugging (must have been some settings I had), but I cannot edit and continue. Is this just something I will have to live with? Sorry for late reply.. missed the message. 
Current behaviour is that I can execute and step through debugger, but I cannot edit and continue. 

I have azure toolkit installed


Hello Mac,

Sorry for the delay in responding.

What OS is used on your machine? There's a known issue for non-Windows OS - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-31366/.


Hi. I'm using windows 11.

Hello Mac, thank you for the reply. Could you please provide a bit more details how exactly edit and continue feature doesn't work for you? What kind of type you are trying to edit?

This is probably the best example of the edit and continue not working.. I am stopped on a breakpoint. I create a new variable called 'x', I continue. Code is entirely skipped past and the variable is not recognized. 

Hello Mac,

thank you for the reply.
Is the issue reproduced in some specific solution only or in a newly created also?
Could you please reproduce the issue and collect the [full log bundle](https://rider-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001079770-How-to-collect-Rider-logs-) so we could take a closer look at the case?
Thank you in advance.

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