V4 Isolated Functions debugging support?
Hi. Is there a plan to introduce debugging from the IDE directly with isolated azure functions in the future? Right now I have to manually attach to the process once the application is running, which means I miss all my middleware, program.cs and warmup code. VS2022 is supporting this feature now, so I tend to use that instead when trying to debug. Just wondering if this will be supported any time soon. I like Rider, but the attach to process is a bit of a hassle and only giving me 1/2 what I need. My project configuration is like this
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Hello Mac,
Could you please specify what version of Rider you are using? Do you have installed Azure toolkit plugin?
Hi Angelina Elycheva. I am using rider Build #RD-221.5787.36, built on June 1, 2022. I have Azure toolkit installed. I was able to finally launch debugging (must have been some settings I had), but I cannot edit and continue. Is this just something I will have to live with? Sorry for late reply.. missed the message.
Current behaviour is that I can execute and step through debugger, but I cannot edit and continue.
I have azure toolkit installed
Any update on this Angelina Elycheva?
Hello Mac,
Sorry for the delay in responding.
What OS is used on your machine? There's a known issue for non-Windows OS - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-31366/.
Hi. I'm using windows 11.
This is probably the best example of the edit and continue not working.. I am stopped on a breakpoint. I create a new variable called 'x', I continue. Code is entirely skipped past and the variable is not recognized.

thank you for the reply.
Is the issue reproduced in some specific solution only or in a newly created also?
Could you please reproduce the issue and collect the [full log bundle](https://rider-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001079770-How-to-collect-Rider-logs-) so we could take a closer look at the case?
Thank you in advance.