Why is Publish to Azure option not showing up in publish menu?


Am using Rider 2022.3.1.

When I develop using Visual Studio, I can right click on the main project and select Publish To Azure, however this I cannot do this in Rider. Instead only local publish options are available from that right click Publish Menu. Even when you create a new Publish to Azure Configuration, it doesn't start showing up on the Publish Menu but is instead only available as a launch option...which is quite inconvenient.

Seems like an omission / bug?




Hi Brightly Lit

Do you have the Azure Toolkit for Rider plugin installed and updated? 


Hi Alexandra

As far as I know you can't even get the publish option until you have that installed, so yes. 

As I say, I have been able to publish, it's more curiosity as to why the publish to azure option doesn't show up under the publish menu, instead of a run target. Perhaps it's just that the APIs available to the toolkit don't allow augmentation of that menu?





Hi Brightly Lit

Could you please add a screenshot of your run/publish menus for a better understanding of the case? Thanks! 


Hi, I'm having the same problem. Dont have publish option for C# project having "Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker" set.


Hi Petr Koutny

What Rider version do you have? Is it also available as launch option for you but not on Publish menu? 


I'm having the latest non-EAP and also latest EAP version. Both works the same in this mannger. I discovered the reason is the Worker SDK. Though it is completely valid to publish such a project to app service's webjob, for example.



I have the same problem too. I'm on JetBrains Rider 2023.2.2 and Azure Toolkit for rider enabled.

I logged in to azure and selected my subscription through Tools - Azure - Azure sign in, but when I select publish on my project,  Azure option is not showing up. 



Hello Petr Koutny , Massimo Donini and Brightly Lit ,

Since on my Rider instance with the latest version of Azure Toolkit and Rider, I could not reproduce the issue. Once I logged in to the Azure with an active subscription, my web project is able to be published to Azure. Thus, I need further information to understand the root cause. If the issue is still persisting for you, could you please let me know the following details:

  1.  Screen-shot of the Publish options available by right clicking the project; 
  2.  Azure publish configuration if any;
  3. Settings/Preferences | Tools | Azure | Service Authentication screen-shot. 

Thank you in advance! 


Hello Anna Morozyuk ,

in my case, Rider didn't display the 'publish to Azure' menu because my project was a .NET Core console app that I wanted to publish as a WebJob on Azure. This is possible in Visual Studio. After further research, I discovered that this feature is not implemented in Rider.

For those who are interested, I managed to publish to Azure using Azure DevOps pipelines.

Thank you.


Thank you for elaboration!

Indeed the WebJobs are not supported yet. But we are in the process of re-working the Azure Toolkit plugin. Thus, the voted features might be implemented faster. Hence, please vote for the issue below: 


Thank you and have a nice day! 


Does Rider support Webjob development and publishing yet ??


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