Can't debug WASM .net 7.0 application

I can't debug a WASM .net 7.0 application. When pressing the Deg bug button the app build successfully but no browser is launched and the debugger just stops. I have tried Chrome, Chrome Dev and Firefox. Running without debug is working without issue. 

This is the only info in the build window.


Hello Hubert Anderson,

what version of Rider are you currently using? The path on the screenshot says Rider 2021.3.3 which is somewhat dated. If this is the case, I'd suggest upgrading to the latest 2023.1 build and checking if the issue persists after the upgrade.


I have updated Rider, I updated via the toolbox yesterday but Rider wasn't updated. But I am still seeing the same issue  I do have the Enable Blazor WSAM checkbox checked.



could you please collect and send us a full bundle of Rider logs, collected after you have reproduced this behavior?

Thank you in advance.


My log file is over 15mb, is there one in particular I can send. I have tried to clear my cache but it is still over 15mb.




Apologies for the delay. Please use JetBrains Upload Service to upload the archive and then please post the upload ID in this thread. Thank you.


Files with Upload id: 2023_04_11_TS3YhajM7Zwx4m7c79DtsE (file: uploaded.


Thanks in advance.


Hello, Hubert,

you have posted that you've cleared the cache while collecting logs. Did you do it via File | Invalidate Caches... action? If yes, does the problem with debugging still occur after doing this?

Thank you in advance.



An update after further investigation. The logs indicate that Chrome Dev is reported as unsupported by mistake, it will be addressed in future, please see the relevant ticket:

Unable to attach Blazor debugger: debug at Chrome Dev browser is unavailable

If you see the same problem when using regular Chrome, please share a screenshot of Preferences | Tools | Web Browsers and Preview and the Run configuration you use to reproduce this behavior.

Also please mind that the Firefox browser is not supported at the moment, only Chrome and Chrome Dev should work.


Now the browser will open with this but eventually closes. Web Browsers and Preview below.. 


Hello Hubert Anderson,

Apologies for reiterating, but could you please also share a screenshot of your Run configuration that you use for debugging?


Sure here they are.


Hello Hubert Anderson,

this Run configuration indicates you're launching Chrome browser, while in the logs we can see that Chrome Dev browser is launched. In case you're experiencing this problem with regular Chrome browser set in the Run configuration, would you kindly provide a full bundle of logs that would cover the problematic attempt to debug while launching regular Chrome?

Thank you in advance.


Any update on this issue? I am still having the same problem and Rider is basicity unusable in this state!


Hello Hubert Anderson,

Please accept my apologies for the problems you have encountered. In the screenshot you have provided, the Run configuration indicates you're launching Chrome browser, while in the logs we can see that Chrome Dev browser is launched. Please upload a full bundle of logs that would cover the problematic attempt to debug while launching regular Chrome. Regrettably, with the logs you have already provided, we're not able to proceed with the investigation.


Logs have been uploaded to 2023_06_07_bqitLv9S6jeofSkUz9SZWQ


Hello Hubert Anderson,

According to the logs, the compatible browser was detected correctly, but required file inside user data directory is locked for reading. This is the path in question: C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\Rider2023.1\chrome-user-data\DevToolsActivePort. Please navigate to Preferences | Tools | Web Browsers and Preview, enable Use custom user data directory and provide a path outside of you user profile directory. Would you still observe the same behavior after moving data directory to a custom location outside of C:\Users\? If this occurs again with the custom data directory, please upload a new bundle of logs, collected using Help | Collect Logs command.

Thank you in advance.



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