Debugger "Could Not Evaluate The Value" for all values


Has anyone had any problems with the Rider debugger just straight up not working? I'm debugging and stepping through some code, and the Variables window never populates (just stays at "collecting data..." forever), if I put a Watch on a variable it says "Could Not Evaluate The Value". This is for all values - I have a line that reads `var numMonths = 12;`, and if I step over that line and put a watch on numMonths, it won't resolve. I get the same result using Evaluate Expression. I can, however, define an arbitrary variable in the Evaluate Expression window and then read it back using the same window or see the value by putting a watch on the variable.

I've tried upgrading Rider to newest, I've tried restarting Rider multiple times, I've tried restarting my computer, and I've tried uninstalling Rider and reinstalling with a fresh installer from the JetBrains site. Nothing has fixed the problem. I have absolutely no idea what could have happened - it was working fine on Tuesday, and then yesterday it stopped.

Here are the contents of About:

Rider 2017.1.1
Build #RD-171.4456.2813, built on August 21, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-736-b22 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0

I'm running Windows 10 Pro build 1607

Any suggestions or tips are welcome, my Google-fu has failed me and I'm not sure how long my support ticket is going to take to resolve.


Hi! Please share logs with us. Available via Help - Show logs in Files. Zip everything from the logs folder, please.

Permanently deleted user


I'm not sure I can attach a file here, on the support forum. I've just attached the logs as a reply to a support email response that I received earlier today (I had already responded with some other information, request is #1072531). Please let me know if the email I've sent is sufficient, or if you'd like me to send the logs somewhere else. You can reach me at

Permanently deleted user

Yes, I'm having the same problem with Rider.  I'm simply trying to reset a string value and get the following error.  I'm currently in eval mode but my company will only purchase on my recommendation.  It's difficult to recommend if this basic functionality isn't working.  Thanks for any help I can receive.  I do like Rider and I use IDEA Ultimate 2018.2 as well.

Cannot evaluate '': Unexpected symbol `0.2', reason: Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ValueModificationException: Cannot evaluate '': Unexpected symbol `0.2' ---> Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.EvaluatorException: Unexpected symbol `0.2'
at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.NRefactoryExpressionEvaluator`3[TContext,TType,TValue].Evaluate (TContext ctx, System.String expression, TType expectedType) [0x001a2] in <8bda600986414e0a9547a8853eef025d>:0
at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ValueModificationUtil.EvaluateRightHandValue[TContext,TType,TValue] (Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ExpressionEvaluator`3[TContext,TType,TValue] evaluator, TContext context, System.String value, TType expectedType) [0x00022] in <8bda600986414e0a9547a8853eef025d>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ValueModificationUtil.EvaluateRightHandValue[TContext,TType,TValue] (Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ExpressionEvaluator`3[TContext,TType,TValue] evaluator, TContext context, System.String value, TType expectedType) [0x00046] in <8bda600986414e0a9547a8853eef025d>:0
at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ValueModificationUtil.ModifyValue[TContext,TType,TValue] (Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.IObjectValueAdaptor`3[TContext,TType,TValue] adapter, Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ExpressionEvaluator`3[TContext,TType,TValue] evaluator, TContext context, System.String value, TType expectedType, System.Action`1[T] valueSetter) [0x00000] in <8bda600986414e0a9547a8853eef025d>:0
at Mono.Debugging.Evaluation.ValueReference`3[TContext,TType,TValue].Mono.Debugging.Backend.IObjectValueSource.SetValue (Mono.Debugging.Client.ObjectPath path, System.String value, Mono.Debugging.Client.EvaluationOptions options) [0x00049] in <8bda600986414e0a9547a8853eef025d>:0
at Mono.Debugging.Client.ObjectValue.SetValue (System.String value, Mono.Debugging.Client.EvaluationOptions options) [0x0001b] in <8bda600986414e0a9547a8853eef025d>:0
at JetBrains.Debugger.Worker.PausedContext+<>c__DisplayClass40_0.<SetObjectValue>b__0 () [0x00077] in <5ea713c927444932bfcfcc87a5857514>:0


Hello Ara Bravo Condas,

Thanks for your feedback! We would be grateful if you could provide the steps to reproduce the issue and a screencast. Please attach it to a new Support Request or a YouTrack issue.

Thank you!


I have the same issue as of the latest version of Rider.Net:

JetBrains Rider 2018.3

Build #RD-183.5047.86, built on December 17, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b26 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3

But I can see the values of the local variables in the Variables panel.



Hi Bogc,

It looks like a bug. Could you please enable Debugger trace scenario (Help -> Trace Scenarios (LOGS)), reproduce the issue, and collect the Rider 2018.3 logs after that as described here? Please attach them to a new support request or this bug report. We'll do your best to fix it shortly.


Same issue here debugging.


Yep, definitely something broken in the latest stable build. Variables window shows the values - but not for watches. Watches are completely broken. Hovering over a variable in the editor does not resolve the values.


JetBrains Rider 2018.3
Build #RD-183.5047.86, built on December 17, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b26 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 7 6.1


Hi everyone,

Please try Rider 2018.3.1, the issue must be fixed there. If it still doesn't work for you, please let me know asap.


Yep, it's working in 2018.3.1



I confirm as well that it is working in 2018.3.1


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