Error launching Android Emulator: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'abiType'
I'm developing a .NET Maui application on macOS with Rider, and when I try to launch the Android Emulator, with none loaded yet, I have this error:
Argument for @NotNull parameter 'abiType' of com/android/tools/idea/avdmanager/AvdManagerConnection$SystemImageUpdateDependency.updateRequired must not be null
But if the emulator is already launched, it works flawlessly.
How can I solve it?
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Hello Juan Francisco ,
Thank you for contacting Rider Support.
Could you please reproduce the issue and collect the full log bundle so we could take a closer look at the case? Please put logs to our shared storage at and provide me with he ID of the upload.
Thank you in advance and have a great day!
Hi Anna Morozyuk,
Yes, of course. Here is the ID of the upload file with the logs: 2024_04_12_HkNeMsM3Y6U8gU94vovZy6
I hope it helps.
Hello Juan Francisco ,
Thank you for your update.
in the previous build, we have had issues with the Android studio plugin. Could you please try bugfix build and let me know if that works for you now?
Hi Anna Morozyuk,
I'm trying Rider 2024.1.1, and it seems to work flawlessly now.
Thank you very much.