Remember opened tabs and solution explorer folders




I started using Rider yesterday after using VS for a long time. One thing I love with VS is how I can continue working what I started, my opened tabs remain on top, in solution explorer folders remain opened...


In Rider, though, everything always starts fresh from the start, like I didn't do anything before. Is there a checkbox to check so it remembers my session? I already found how to automatically open last solution when starting Rider, I just need these options to fulfill my transition to this awesome IDE.

Edit: Looks like it remembers tabs, but still not solution folders...




Hi Matko, 

thank you for contacting us. 

Please, try after setting solution files, tabs and windows as you want, choose Window | Store Current Layout as default and reopen Rider to check the result. 
Hope this helps! Leе me know if you have any other questions.


Permanently deleted user

the suggested solution doesn't work.

steps to reproduce:

  1. opening solution with multiple projects
  2. open projects
  3. open directory tree
  4. then choose:  Window | Store Current Layout as default
  5. close Rider (2019.3)
  6. re-open Rider

current behavior: Rider started with Explorer in collapse all tree (i have to redo the steps 2 - 3 manually)

expected behavior: Rider remembers the last Explorer solution-project-directory tree state


PS: PHPStorm does remember the last opened Explorer tree state, why Rider have different behavior?



Hi Markus! 

Here is one step missed: could you please try Window - Restore Default Layout after step 6? 

If this won't help, please try the following: 

  1. Disable settings synchronisation (if enabled) and quit IDE
  2. Remove "config" directory (or temporarily move it aside to restore your settings afterwards): see the section corresponding to your operating system in
  3. Start IDE (do not import settings) and check if the problem appears


Permanently deleted user

i think you misunderstand the question, it's not about the layout of the Explorer but the tree structure inside the Explorer.

1. this is the tree structure when i last open Rider:

2. then i close Rider

3. i open Rider again and this is what i got:

what i would expect is the same tree structure as on point 1 when i re-open Rider



I apologise for the misunderstanding. Unfortunately, there is an issue with the solution explorer tree. Please, feel free to upvote and follow RIDER-5094

Thank you for your patience!  


Alexandra Guk are there any plans to fix that issue?

Version 2020.2 is released but the issue still exists, it is very frustrating to have to expand all the folders you work on your project every time you run Rider.

Or at least if we had a button to expand all folders (with exception of Dependencies and Properties "folders").




Hello Panagiotis Kosmidis

Unfortunately, this issue has not been (strongly) scheduled for any release yet. As I can see, you already discussed the details with our developer :) 

Should you have any other questions, let us know. Have a good day! 


Hello Alexandra!


Yes, Evgeniy replied to the issue, we hope to close that issue with v 2020.3 :) 


Thanks & stay safe! :)


Hi, there! 

Looks like the issue with opened tabs still remains. I have two separate disk folders containing the same Git repo, but different branches are made current in each folder. I open a 'solution.SLN' file in Rider from folder1 (repo1) via cmdline

rider64.exe .\solution.sln

I work for a while with the solution, open files A1,A2,A3 and keep the tabs with those files' source code open. Then I close Rider, go to folder2 in cmdline and execute the same 

rider64.exe .\solution.sln

Rider loads and I see the same set of opened tabs (A1,A2,A3) which I worked with in folder1. I close tab A3, then close Rider. Then I switch back to folder1 in cmdline, execute 

rider64.exe .\solution.sln

and still see the set of opened tabs that were left (not closed) by me during the previous session, i.e. A1,A2.

Rider seems storing my layout from the last session instead of keeping each layout in .idea folder (or whatever is suitable for different solutions).


JetBrains Rider 2021.2.2
Build #RD-212.5284.64, built on October 9, 2021
Licensed to Rider Evaluator
Expiration date: November 4, 2021
Runtime version: 11.0.12+7-b1504.28 amd64
VM: Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10 10.0
.NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 1500M
Cores: 16
Registry:, ide.tree.horizontal.default.autoscrolling=FALSE, ide.tooltip.showAllSeverities=TRUE, ide.mac.bigsur.alerts.enabled=TRUE,, ea.enable.developers.list=FALSE,,, ide.mac.file.chooser.native=TRUE, search.everywhere.pattern.checking=FALSE,,, awt.file.dialog.enable.filter=FALSE,,,, ide.allow.merge.buttons=TRUE, use.winp.for.graceful.process.termination=FALSE, ide.tooltip.initialDelay=0, ide.require.transaction.for.model.changes=FALSE,, rdclient.asyncActions=false



Hi Vadim

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce this case. 

Do you always start Rider via the command line? Will it be the same if you open solutions from the welcome screen after launching Rider any other way? 


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