Module is not installed
I'm very confused by what's going on in my project with my JavaScript package imports. I reference a method from a package, and Rider can see that it lives in the package that I want... I'm able to import it just fine, but when I look at the import, it says "Module is not installed." See attached. Even though it says this, my app runs just fine and everything is imported correctly. I've tried invalidating everything in the cache, deleting node_modules and package-lock.json and re-installing, and playing around with Settings > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Libraries. None of this works.
What's even more bizarre is if I open a new project and install this package, it resolves just like it normally would and doesn't give me the warning. This feels like a cache issue, but I honestly don't know how to fix it at this point. Any help would be appreciated!
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Hello Jef Harkay,
It sounds like you might have encountered a known issue WEB-55401. Could you please specify if the modules are hoisted by yarn? If they are, please try a temporary workaround described here and let me know if it helps.
Hey Kirill Filin, I use npm 8.7.0 as my package manager.
Is this package included in node_modules? What does your package.json look like? Does it happen only on one project?
Hey Oksana Chumak, yes, the package is in node_modules, and this is my package.json. It's good to note that I'm using npm workspaces.
Hmm, I just downloaded the latest Rider update (2022.1.1), which became available today, and it appears my issue has been fixed. Thanks for all the help everyone!