.NET SDK support in JetBrains Rider

The standard procedure for how Rider integrates with every new .NET SDK release from Microsoft is as follows:

Rider ensures that with the publication of each .NET SDK EAP version, the subsequent minor version of Rider will offer basic compatibility. This compatibility entails that all project-related functionalities operate smoothly, without any red code or build issues.

Once a new .NET SDK version is officially released, the subsequent major Rider version delivers comprehensive support for that specific .NET SDK.



Rider 2024.3 EAP (link to download) Full Support


Rider 2024.2 (link to download) Templates, build, debug, initial language support for C# 13


Rider 2023.3 Full support
.NET SDK 7 Rider 2022.3 Full support
.NET SDK 6 Rider 2021.3 Full Support
.NET SDK 5 Rider 2020.3 Full Support


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Fyi, .NET 8 released today. Not preview, not RC, full release and an LTS release at that.


TBH - for a product that “Rides” on the coat tails of .Net releases this is a pretty sad state of affairs. For subscribers to this product, I'm sure, as I do, they expect more, and perhaps will start to vote with their feet. 

It seem that perhaps developer resource capacity is not appropriateley aligned with this product, vs. all the others that JetBrains seem to be creating.


When is the full compatibility with the latest version of the .NET SDK expected to be ready in Rider?


.NET 8 support please ASAP, VS users are laughing at the corner 


Ennerlopezz Educated guess from the past years: in three to four weeks from now.


It would be good if you guys were better prepared for such events as major .NET releases. It was not a surprise after all.


It took me a lot of time understand why collection expressions are giving compile errors in Visual Studio. After opening the same solution in Rider, I understand that there is no full support for .NET 8 in Rider and not in Resharper.  Now .NET 8 is no longer in preview, I expect support for it a.s.a.p.

Edited by Alex Siepman - Q11.nl

The release date for .Net 8 has been known for many months. It's just unacceptable that a paid IDE like Rider is not aligned with that. The one main thing for the Rider Team this year would be to have a Rider version that fully supports .Net 8 (as it is a .Net-focused IDE) when that is released. I guess I will have to go to VS Code then to be able to use the latest stuff.


Hello there,
We are very sorry for the delay with delivering full .NET 8 support. We are working on it.

Please find the status update bellow:

Supported starting from 2023.3 EAP8 (available in a couple of days)
- Updated project templates.

- The ability to create, run, and debug projects targeting the new SDK.

- New C# 12 features, including primary constructors, interceptors, and alias directives to reference any type.

- Support for F# 8 features, namely shorthand lambda expressions, nested record updates, static interface members and let bindings, and more.

- Support for @ variables.

- Support for Identity API endpoints.

Not yet delivered but in the short list


Cool! Hope these two F# devs will be happy to see F#8 support.


Artsem Dz Yes, my buddy and me, will be very happy to get these features! 


The release of the final version of .NET 8 is known months in advance. 

Ideally, it would be best if you were dropping an EAP on the day that the new .NET is launched.


Thanks for the update Sofia Byzova, looking forward to it arriving and a big thanks to the Rider team for their ongoing hard work


While I, too, am eagerly awaiting full support - with error-free operation a priority; enhancements like quick fixes can follow - I think we should acknowledge why we're particularly impatient: the missing .NET 8 support in Rider means we have to use VS for a couple of weeks. And that feels like having to take the bus after getting used to drive to work in a nice car - not that I want to belittle public transport, but I hope you get the analogy.

So, thanks to the JB team for building such a good product that users get seriously upset if they have to deal with the major competitor for a couple of weeks. And now please get back to delivering that next EAP asap, we need it ;)


This is the same story as with JDK21 in IntelliJ IDEA. It's past release date and there's still no support in the IDE. Also, isn't it quite late in the year to be releasing .3? Or is it just a strategy to force users to resubscribe? I'm going to keep my subscription, you don't need to delay releases to make me do so, but other people may have much less patience.


I don't understand why so many are upset at this! Do developers feel they must just jump in on release day and update all their apps to the latest dotnet?

What's the rush? Don't you plan upgrades of this nature? If you are on the previous LTS release (which you probably should be in most cases in commercial settings), then you've got another 3 years before you need to upgrade. If you are on the previous STS, then you've got 6 months, if that's not long enough, then maybe stick with LTS releases in future.

If the Jetbrains policy doesn't work for you, fine, use a different product if it causes you a problem, but it's not like Jetbrains aren't up front about this, so don't act surprised about this each time a new version is released.

Thanks for the update Jetbrains, please keep doing what you're doing!


Agree with Bryan Hobson. If it takes a few weeks, it takes a few weeks. It's the same every year. Just use vscode for a bit if there's something that's broken. Primary Constructors are already working in rider (and resharper) not having any major issues with it so far.


Bryan and Carl, it’s quite simple, we support products for our customers that themselves are demanding we support .net 8 in our tooling as they have the same need. 

There is a whole NuGet package ecosystem out there that in some cases had a rocky .net 6 LTS transition, but this is surprisingly better this time around - JetBrains aside.

Productivity takes an impact if you need your dev team to switch to another IDE - besides the fact that one is actually paying to use Rider! JetBrains have an obligation to their customers, like it or not, as many comments here emphasize.

So yes we do what we have to do but as others have commented, that it’s not like this release was a surprise. The interesting aspect is to review all the release notes of the recent EAP’s  - None have covered .net 8 support, but other features still in support of .net 7 capabilities are still being released 12 months later or other UI “toys”. I’d suggest - get the basic .Net support done, for current and up coming releases/patches first, and then add “toys”.

Net 8 add a whole host of features that have massive performance improvements this is why there is a need to get to that version ASAP.

Interestingly AWS already supports .Net 8 as the new LTS version, and announced that on the 14th! AoT is a big deal to them to! It helps their .Net 8 customers save money and increase stickiness.

Also interestingly similar threads on youTrack (the issue mgt system) have been closed to additional comments. This perhaps highlight the underlying sense that the development team is not fully engaged in its direction to support customers. Some of their comments also echo the “use vs code” line…undermining their employers product user base. Other comments point to internal issues with dependencies on the IntellJ team - a circular firing squad - Fun times!


Bryan Hobson people want to test the new version ASAP cause they want to check how it's going to work, what changes, and how can they utilize this in their projects. With IDE delay of 1-2-3 weeks, you will be also delayed with 1-2-3 weeks + the time you need to spend for your technical review and investigation. Yes, people can just install the preview community version and try all of this. But why then I pay for the product if I could just pay for the visual studio?


Couldn’t agree more Bryan and Carl. Keep up the great work everyone at JetBrains


Maybe this is just the old grumpy developer in me since I started before IDEs, but it seems like a lot of developers don't understand what it takes to support building and running code vs what a modern IDE has to do so we lazy developers don't need to use our brains as much.




This is for me strike two to go back to VS. I don't understand how this is not already ready to go today. Also what is the ETA for full support?

Edited by Blackunknown

I understand both sides of this. Yes, building & maintaining an IDE is a huge undertaking, and yes, the devs could just wait a little while to get access to the new features, but if JetBrains can't swim in the deep water, maybe they shouldn't be trying to play with the big boys. I think the main point here is that we are paying JetBrains to produce a product that allows us to work with .NET Core, and part of that expectation from a paying customer is that we have access to use all the features and new stuff in .NET 8 when it's released. Yes, we do want to start updating projects right away (every project isn't a critical enterprise application), we might also have a new greenfield project we want to start out on .NET 8, we might want to just be testing things out, or we might just be an excited developer who wants to play with the new, shiny toy. As was mentioned in several comments, Microsoft releases a new version of .NET every year in November. They also give us RC versions and previews for many months in advance of that. I would expect for Rider to add support in EAP from the first .NET release candidates with the goal of launching the official support for the new .NET version at the same time or very soon (as in just a few days tops) after the official launch. As a paying customer it is very disappointing to have to sit and wait on JetBrains to be able to fully embrace the new features/improvements in .NET 8. 

Edited by Crossbound

I want to work where apparently everyone else does that they can start using the latest version of a framework the day it comes out. :)

Seriously though, the “basic support” seems to be working for me, and I'm not above using the EAP's either, which usually work pretty well. It looks like they're a week or two behind the fx release, which isn't terrible. .NET 8 is a pretty big release, and just because there have been RC's and previews (which are very volatile) doesn't mean a third-party can support it on day one. Heck, Azure DevOps didn't have .NET 8 in the pipeline image for about a week (had to specify SDK).

Maybe the communication from JetBrains could have been clearer, fair. But if you want to go back to slow VS, hey, you do you.


Not ideal, but Visual Studio 2022 17.8.1 is still a total dogs dinner is almost every respect compared to Rider.


Hi Sofia Byzova, is there any update on when Rider will achieve “full” support for .NET 8? Thanks for your hard work!


Seems we are going back to VS/Windows just for .Net 8


Just use the RC for 2023.3. They're “days away” from release. I'm not even using that, in using the last point release with v8 without issue. I don't get the complaining at all.



Agreed. I was initially annoyed by the lack of full support but haven't had any issues with the basic support for .net 8.


Jeff Putz Running unit test is not even possible running my .NET 8 without .NET 8 features. This is the main reason I can not upgrade.


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