[Mac] Debugger can't attach to Godot process

I get this error when trying to debug my Godot C# project:

/Applications/Godot_mono.app/Contents/MacOS/Godot --path ./
process exited with status -1 (attach failed (Not allowed to attach to process.  Look in the console messages (Console.app), near the debugserver entries, when the attach failed.  The subsystem that denied the attach permission will likely have logged an informative message about why it was denied.))

Other notes

1) I've installed the “Godot Support” plugin, and can launch the editor / game from Rider without issue, it's just debugging that causes this error

2) I've enabled various permissions for Rider (disk access, accessibility, dev tools). 

3) It's not an issue with Rider debugging in general – I can debug my Unreal Engine project on the same Mac computer and debug this Godot project on my Windows PC, but while debugging the Godot project on Mac I get this error. 

4) I have tried running editor and then selecting Run > Attach to Process but this just endlessly waits for the process to get ready. 


Any suggestions for how to fix this?

1 comment

Hello Tom Kidder ,

Please run Godot Editor from the command line with verbose output, example command:  /Applications/Godot.app/Contents/MacOS/Godot --path <path to your Godot project> --editor --verbose, reproduce the issue and then collect the output generated by Godot editor and a full bundle of Rider logs. You can share the files using our Upload service.

Thank you in advance!


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