[Troubleshooting] iOS Simulators are no longer available in Rider on Mac

iOS simulators dissappearing might be related to several issues on it's own. They might be:

  •  Not listed at all;
  •  Greyed out. 

Thus, it might be useful trying troubleshooting steps listed below first:

From Rider's Side

  • Delete .idea folder

Find it in the Help > Diagnostic Tools > Special Files and Folders > PROJECT StorePath. Delete it in the physical path mentioned and restart Rider;

  • Try EAP

Download the EAP version using this link. EAP is usually packed with all sort of differen inprovements, hence, it might hit a known issue. 

  • Clear Caches

Clear the caches via File | Invalidate caches => Invalidate and restart.

From Rider and Xcode

  • Check if the Xcode and Rider tools paths are matching

Go to Rider > Settings > Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment > Apple Platforms > Xcode path. Make sure this path is the same with the Xcode > Settings > Locations > Command Line Tools. If it differs, change one of them to the proper one. 

From system/Xcode side

  • Launch the app in the Xcode

Check if the same app might be launched in the Xcode. If it is not, further Xcode troublshooting is reuired.

  • Update Xcode

Make sure that the Xcode is up-to date in App Store or in Xcode > Settings > Platforms

  • Make sure required Simulators are downloaded

Use the Xcode documentation to add simulators if required. 

  • Try another version

Use instaructions from this StackOverFlow thread

  • Kill the process;

Sometimes, there might be a stuck process or update. Thus, use either Activity Monitor, Terminal or simply reboot the machine. 

  • Re-install the iOS Platform;

Go to Xcode > Settings > Platforms > right click on the iOS platform > Delete. Once the platform deleted, press + sign in the lower left corner of the same menu and choose the iOS platform to install. 

  • Reinstall Xcode

Use these instructions.


If nothing of the above steps help or prevoius version works only, please contact Support (Help > Contact Support) so we could investigate it further. 




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This problem has been recently happening very often with the latest builds.  I have tried all the above suggestions but none of them have helped.    See the image below.


Hello Dbagno ,

Could you please also try removing the .idea folder and restarting Rider? 


I have done this many times.  The only thing that works is deleting the whole folder and re-downling it from the cloud.


Wow, does Rider actually work with .net Maui and iOS on Mac? There is just one issue after another since 2024.3 I believe this all ties in with this issue? https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-117599/Could-not-load-the-framework-IDEDistribution-on-MacOS-15.0


In situations where Rider shows no simulators/devices the following steps may help to resolve the issue.

1. Examine the idea.log

Look into the log for : Cannot read plist file: /Users/{user}/Library/LaunchAgents/com.jetbrains.AppCode.BridgeService.plist where {user} is your username. You will most likely see a “No such file or directory” exception followed by a “Permission denied” exception when Rider tries to write the file.

If you see this then steps (2) to (5) may resolve the issue for you. If not, try the above suggestions.

2. Verify permissions in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder

  • Open Terminal
  • Run “touch /Users/{user}/Library/LaunchAgents/com.jetbrains.AppCode.BridgeService.plist” (Note: {user} is your username)
  • Result should be “touch: Permission denied” 

3. Modify permissions to the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder

  • Open Terminal
  • Run “sudo chown {user}:staff /Users/{user}/Library/LaunchAgents” (Note: {user} is your username)
  • This gives ownership of the folder to your user account instead of root

4. Delete unavailable simulator devices

  • Open Terminal
  • Run “xcrun simctl delete unavailable”
  • Run “xcrun simctl list”
  • You should only see a list of available simulator devices. Any unavailable devices will be removed.

5. Invalidate Rider caches and restart

  • Clear the caches via File | Invalidate caches => Invalidate and restart.
Edited by Matthew

Since upgrading to Rider 2024.3 I'm not unable to deploy my .NET 8 MAUI application to an iOS simulator.  It builds fine but the moment it tries to launch to a simulator I get, Error running ‘MauiAppNNN’, Failed to find ‘mlaunch’.  What the hell is going on??!?!?!  Can I please rollback Rider?  I want the previous version.  I've tried everything including reinstall all the dotnet workloads, reinstalled XCode etc… but this error is just stopping me :(


Long Ph You can download JetBrains Toolbox, from there Rider → three dots → available versions and you should see previous versions.


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